Checking data...OK
Platform: LG Qualcomm
Selected port: COM1289
Selected model: M200N
Please, put the phone into download mode manually (Power phone OFF (reconnect battery), press and hold "Vol+" button and connect the cable (or P999 cable)).
Reading info...
Model ID: LG-M200n
IMEI: 000000-00-000000-0
Android version: 7.0
Battery level: 14%
SW Version: M20010e
Mode: Emergency
Initializing flash...OK
SW version: LGM200nAT-00-V10k-EUR-XX-MAR-29-2018+0
Android version: 7.0
LAF Version: 1.1
Product ID: CH**************
IMEI: 354**************
Target operator: GLOBAL
Hardware: rev_10
Reset FRP operation for M200N will delete all user data on the phone (contacts, pictures and others)!
Do You want to continue?
Reading partitions...OK
Detecting writing method...
Trying third method...OK
Resetting FRP Lock...
Writing loader...
Step 1...
Step 2...
Step 3...
Step 6...
Step 7...
Step 8...
Step 9...
Step 10...OK
Writing userdata...OK
Formating encrypt...OK
Restoring loader...OK
Resetting FRP lock successfully completed!
Rebooting phone...
To complete the operation, please make Factory Reset (Go to "Settings" -> "General" -> "Backup & reset" -> "Factory data reset", press "Reset phone" and "Erase everything" buttons).
Performed by 2.8.4 Software version.
